SouthPark Real Estate Market in 2014

A Look at the Real Estate Market in SouthPark 2014

Trends and Topics of the Charlotte Real Estate Market for the New Year!

PrintTracking Real Estate Trends ~Third quarter reports for the current real estate market show that the market is picking up! According to the Carolinas Realtors Association, at the end of 2013, the majority of builders reportedthat the recent increased interest rates have had almost no impact on home sales. Charlotte’s quarterly statistics for every product type demonstrated a substantial increase over the previous quarter’s earning (2,893), a substantial increase over last quarter’s earnings (2,262). Additionally, the third quarter closings totaled 2,652 new homes, 768 more than the previous quarters closings.

According to the MetroStudyReport, “compared to a year ago, Charlottes third quarter closings increased by a dramatic 55.1%.” This is especially good news for sellers in the SouthPark neighborhood! And also for the rest of Charlotte, as the housing market picks up. There is a good vibe in the air for homeowners who are looking to sell there home. Now is a great time to put your home on the market.
Contact meif you are interested in listing your home, or if you have questions about the current market conditions!

So Cheers to Savvy Selling & Happy House Hunting!