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Panthers Pride! - Eileen Nelis, Broker, REALTOR®

Panthers Pride!

We now can drop North Carolina off of our address. People know where we are, who we are. I think it’s been tremendous recognition for our city.

— Retired Bank of America CEO Hugh McColl Jr. on the significance of the Panthers trip to Super Bowl 50.

WooHoo Carolina Panthers are heading to the golden anniversary Super Bowl and I could not be more ecstatic. I come from a proud family of Panthers fans ranging in age from 9 to 85. And believe me when I tell you that my mother, age 85, is the fiercest and most energized supporter among us.

This NFL team has truly aided in the growth and development of our great city since 1993. The solid sense of community we have was hard to miss during this magical season as families sent holiday cards far and wide in full Panthers regalia. I dont think I have ever seen more Panthers crafts from baby-helmets to face-painting to house flags, the widespread support of this team is contagious.

The Panthers are one of the few teams in the NFL to own the stadium they play in, Bank of America Stadium in uptown Charlotte. With this central location, fans can easily arrive on I-277, using the LYNX blue line (Charlottes very own light rail line) or an environmental friendly and encouraged car-pool option. The stadium offers tours for the general public each Wednesday at 10 a.m. and on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m.with some exceptions, including game days and holidays. After we dominate the Denver Broncos this Sunday be sure to keep these tours on your radar. History is being made right before our eyes and I know nothing could be finer than to be a CarolinaPanther!

To get to really know what the Panthers are all about visit the Official Panthers Website and remember to KEEP POUNDING!

(1) North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State. July 16, 2002. Retrieved August 24, 2015.

By | 2017-02-16T20:09:36+00:00 February 5th, 2016|Charlotte Events, Uptown Charlotte|