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Cotswold Archives - Eileen Nelis, Broker, REALTOR®


Check Out This Cotswold Ranch For Sale…

Check Out ThisCotswold Home for Sale! 4327 Castleton Rd, Charlotte, NC 28211 This is the perfect opportunity for an investor, so don't pass it over too quickly. This brick ranch is in one of Charlotte's most desirable neighborhoods, Cotswold and [...]

Art Lovers Rejoice! Cotswold’s Jerald Melberg Gallery hosts artist Robert Motherwell

Cotswold welcomes the art of Robert Motherwell! Never thought of Charlotte's Cotswold as an art community before? Neighboring the SouthPark neighborhood, just down Sharon Amity, Cotswold offers tons of shopping, restaurants, and all the sophistication of SouthPark, but on a [...]

By | 2013-02-22T15:32:44+00:00 February 22nd, 2013|Around Charlotte, Cotswold, Events, SouthPark Neighborhoods|